

This is the story of a newly elected mayor who is waiting to go on to a television chat show for an interview. As he smells cinnamon whilst in the waiting room before the interview begins, it reminds him of his childhood, a time when he was exposed to physical abuse and to the effects of domestic violence towards his mother. The film shows the journey of how the effects of domestic violence and physical abuse as a child manifest into his development into becoming an adult with a dark and sinister finale.

Total number of awards won by our short film "Cinnamon"
(As of 3rd February 2024)

153 Awards

Runtime: 10mins:11secs

A selection of individual reviews for Cinnamon

“Cinnamon was a well produced psychological thriller short film, that I enjoyed watching. It combined entertaining drama and storytelling with real life social concerns such as the effects of domestic violence on children. Thoroughly entertaining which I would recommend to see.”
Lisa Marie-Tonelli FRSA
Founder and Director of the North East International Film Festival, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, UK
“Cinnamon is an entertaining thriller that takes you on an unexpected ride that truly surprised me with it’s compelling storytelling. In addition to being entertaining, the film highlights how domestic violence and trauma can shape people in deeply impactful ways. A must see.”
Laura Michelle Powers 
Television and Media Personality, Producer, Founder and host of film and television podcast “Behind the Scenes”,
Film Festival Judge, USA

         “Cinnamon was an excellent psychological English short film thriller which won Best Actor, Best Director and Best Film of the Global Shorts Film Festival 2022. Our audiences and judges really enjoyed the film and how the young protagonist deals with domestic abuse which is a serious and difficult topic to address in a narrative short film. However, the producers and writers addressed this very well here in an entertaining and compelling short film which was superbly delivered by the star David Sandercock and the acting ensemble and again highlights the quality of UK short film making in our international and global film festival, shown to an international audience”.  

 Andres Aquino, Festival Founder and Director of the Global Shorts Film Festival, New York USA and Cannes, France.

Impact and feedback from audiences worldwide

We are honoured that feedback from audiences and festival judges worldwide have understood the importance of shining a light on societal concerns such as domestic violence and importantly the effects on children. We are happy that they reflected back that they understand how the power of shining a light on important societal concerns can raise awareness through film to wide reaching audiences. The first step to tackling this problem is raising it’s awareness globally where some of these behaviours are tolerated and should not be the norm.
Although the film is an entertaining short film psychological drama thriller made for drama and entertainment, we are happy from the feedback that audiences understand the harm that even observing domestic violence can have on young children and their development into adults. 
We are also pleased that David Sandercock, the star of the film and members of the crew were awarded individual awards for acting and the high quality of technical excellence in shooting and producing the film which again highlights the quality of our UK short film making internationally. This is particularly rewarding given the cast and crew were all from the UK.

(Please see table of awards categories and link to complete list of film awards below)

Total number of awards won in different categories by our short Film "Cinnamon"

Photos from the making of our short film "Cinnamon"
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