Matty Boy


A man with a suggestible mind marries a second wife mistakenly out of a desperate situation and now faces the consequences, taking him on a twisting and turning rollercoaster of a ride beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

Total number of awards won by our short film "Matty Boy"
(As of 3rd February 2024)

323 Awards

Runtime: 13mins:57secs

A selection of individual reviews for Matty Boy

 “Matty Boy is an excellent film. It’s an entertaining and compelling story and one of the things I really appreciate about this film is it’s inclusivity and diversity. The cast is full of strong female characters who are self-directed, intelligent and driven. I would love to see more films like this.”
Laura Michelle Powers 
Television and Media Personality, Producer, Founder and host of film and television podcast “Behind the Scenes”,
Film Festival Judge, USA

“Matty Boy was a really entertaining drama comedy short film which was enjoyed by audiences and judges at the Wales International Film Festival and it won 2 awards, Best Short Film and Best Film of the Festival in 2019”.

 Euros Jones-Evans, Festival Founder and Director, Wales International Film Festival, UK


“Matty Boy was named the finalist in the comedy category in the inaugural year of the French Riviera Film Festival (FRFF) held in Cannes, France in 2019 and was one of the judges’ favorite submissions. Emmy-winning actor Vincent De Paul was named Best Actor for his outstanding performance in the lead role of Matty. The well-paced and well-written comedic film’s premise is definitely clever, with stellar performances by De Paul and all of the cast members. The film ends, leaving the audience wanting to see more about what the future holds for the lovable, yet gullible, Matty. The open ending undoubtedly is deliberate, as the filmmakers have aspirations to make Matty Boy into a television series or feature. Additionally, due to it’s finalist and award-winning status in the FRFF 2019, “Matty Boy” was also selected to air on Shorts TV, the global premier channel for short films.” 

Nicole Goesseringer Muj, co-founder, French Riviera Film Festival
Founder/President | Kultura PR International LLC,
 Managing Editor, Indie Entertainment Media 


“Dr. Shahid Kamal and Dr. Samir Srivastava are filmmakers with a true understanding of today’s Hollywood movies.  Their choice of casting a culturally diversified female cast in “Matty Boy” has earned the team countless accolades including the prestigious Audience Award at the Hollywood Florida Film Festival.  Congratulations both for their commitment to excellence and I look forward to seeing a plethora of projects in the near future.”

Minh Collins, Film Director at OIC Productions, LA, USA,  
Festival Founder, Hollywood Florida Film Festival, USA,

“Matty Boy is a well-produced, fun and entertaining UK short film with an excellent story line and boasts a multicultural and dynamic cast. The cast delivered their parts well and brought humour and drama in abundance which won Matty Boy, Best Drama Comedy at the Global Shorts Film Festival 2021. It represents UK short film making at it’s finest given that our festival is international, based in both New York, USA and Cannes, France and we receive films produced from across the globe”.  

 Andres Aquino, Festival Founder and Director of the Global Shorts Film Festival, New York USA and Cannes, France. 

Impact and feedback from audiences worldwide

We are delighted that feedback from the audiences and festival judges worldwide have appreciated the multicultural and ethnically diverse cast with strong female characters with regards to equality and diversity within the film. 
We are also happy that the sincere message that “Matty Boy” gives about the protagonist’s journey to fulfilment and inner peace despite being a drama comedy, was realised and reflected upon by the majority of audiences worldwide irrespective of which country they saw the film in and their different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. 
We are also pleased that 90% of our individual cast and crew were awarded individual film awards for their acting and the high quality of technical excellence in shooting and producing the film. This also highlights the quality of our UK short film making internationally. (Please see table of awards categories and link to complete list of film awards below) 
Total number of awards won in different categories by our short film "Matty Boy"
Photos From The Making Of Our Short Film "Matty Boy"
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