Take The Chocolate


This is the story of three two-year-old children who meet whilst waiting in the queue of a doctor’s surgery in England. The young protagonist in the film tries to make friends and has to overcome an unexpected surprise. 

Total number of awards won by our short film "Take The Chocolate''
(As of 3rd February 2024)

141 Awards

Runtime: 4mins:35secs

A selection of individual reviews for Take The Chocolate

“Take the Chocolate is a wonderful short film for children and families and was the opening film on day 2 of the North East International Film Festival in 2021. It was well received by the audience and it showed great directorial skill in directing these very young children at aged 2.This was discussed and commented on by the live audience in the Question-and-Answer session following it’s live cinema screening at the festival. It was good to see the importance of sharing for children in the film and the beauty of how children can so easily connect together without discrimination at a young age”. 
Lisa Marie-Tonelli FRSA
Founder and Director of the North East International Film Festival, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, UK



 “Compelling film that keeps you hooked from the start.  Children are the hardest to work with on camera.  The film encapsulates communication between three toddlers without the need for spoken language.”  
Minh Collins, Film Director at OIC Productions, LA, USA, Festival Founder, 
Hollywood Florida Film Festival, USA,

“Take the Chocolate is a unique and lovely story about children, played by children that was entertaining and funny and won Best Comedy at the Global Shorts Film Awards in 2022. It was uniquely told in the universal language of children, non-verbally and through their free-spirited energy, which our judges and audiences admired. The film is also special for it’s skill and production involved with directing the young children and the prosocial values it also teaches children such as the importance of sharing”. 

Andres Aquino, Festival Founder and Director of the Global Shorts Film Festival, New York USA and Cannes, France. 

We are delighted that feedback from the audiences and festival judges worldwide have appreciated the technical brilliance and skill of Shahid directing two-year-old children who weren’t able to speak at the time of filming.  
We are also happy that the message about the free-flowing and beautiful energy of children at a young age was recognised by Judges and audiences in different countries. It was also fed back that that the film showed that the free spirit of children does not require language for them to communicate and to connect with each other and also that they have no social learned prejudices towards others at this young age. 
We are also pleased that all of the three young children and the majority of the individual crew were awarded individual film awards for their acting and the high quality of technical excellence in shooting and producing the film which again highlights the quality of our UK short film making internationally.

(Please see table of awards categories and link to complete list of film awards below) 

Total number of awards won in different categories by our short film "Take The Chocolate"

A selection of winning laurels for our short film "Take The Chocolate"
Photos from the making of our short film "Take The Chocolate"
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